Understanding on how to use and give food for Local Goats

The feed is useful to meet the basic necessities of life, such as production (grow big, fat and milk) and for reproduction (mating, pregnant, birth, breastfeeding). Feeding should be based on their needs and the amount adjusted to the physiological status of animals. As a general rule i.e. 10% fresh material or 3% of dry material was calculated from the weight of his body. As an Example, when the goat of 25 kg live weight then giving about 2.5 kg of fresh forage or 0.75 kg of dry forage.
Feed for goats can be grouped into three, namely energy, protein and mineral sources. Energy sources such as whole grains: maize, sorghum, rice bran, wheat bran, corn bran, sweet potatoes, cassava, cassava, grass and rice straw. Feed ingredients that are a source of protein such as type of legume glirisidia, Turi, lamtoro, Centrosema, agricultural residues such as: bean leaves, cassava leaves, soybean meal, cotton seed, pulp, pulp soy sauce and others. As a mineral resource or mineral salts can be added mix. Drinking water should be available in the cages.
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7 Types of Local goats

There are 7 types of local goats that have been successfully identified. It is estimated there are more local goats which are not yet known. Some may already extinct. It is really hard situation as local researcher believe the unknown types of goats have great potential to increase the genetic quality of the known local goats. Here are seven types of local goats known to people:
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Alternative Foods for Local Goats

During the dry season, surely it is more difficult to find fresh food for cattle. Local Goats love fresh vegetables but it hardly available in dry season. Replacing the foods with complete foods bought from the factory is not a good idea as it will cost lots of money. However, without proper food, local goats will not be able to live healthy. If that situation happen, there would be great lost for farmers. The price for each cattle would be reduced hugely and they would not be able to produce good products. Luckily, there is solution to overcome the problems. The farmers can use the vegetables and bananas to keep the cattle stay healthy. The idea is to make local goats have enough foods while maximize their productivity at the same times. Let’s take closer look on what are available to be used as food for the cattle.
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Types of foods for Local Goats

There are some foods which perform better for goats. It is highly advised to learn about any foods suitable for cattle before trying to breed them. Here are all of them:
1) Foliage fresh green (Green Forage).
Fresh greens are foods given to cattle which are fresh, well-cut (by humans) or not (eaten directly by livestock). Generally consists of fresh greenery herbage derived from grasses, crop seeds / beans kind.
Grasses are very fresh forage palatable, easy to obtain because it has the ability to grow high, especially in the tropics although often cut / eaten directly by livestock. Forage contains a lot of carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars, starch and fructose which plays an important role in generating energy.

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Characteristics and Types of Goats

Native or Local Goats (Capra Hircus Aegagrus) is a sub species of wild goats scattered in Southwest Asia and Europe. Goat is a medium-sized ruminant animal species. Male and female wild goat have a pair of horns, but only male has bigger horns. Generally, goats have beards, convex forehead, tail slightly upward, and the most hairy straight and coarse. Length of the wild goat’s body, not including the tail, is 1.3 meters - 1.4 meters, while the tail 12 inches - 15 inches. Female weight 50 kilograms - 55 pounds, while males can reach 120 pounds. Wild goats spread from Spain eastward to India, and from India to the north to Mongolia and Siberia. Preferred habitat is an area of ​​rocky mountains. Goats have been cultivated since 8000 to 9000 years ago.
In the wild, goats live in groups of 5 to 20. In their journey looking for food, goat group is led by the oldest female goat. Male Goat serves as a security guard for the group. They actively seek for food the whole day. Its main food is grass and foliage. Goat is different with sheep.
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